Room 7,2019

Room 7,2019

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Collaborative Art Project

We made a tree that shows we are individuals.  We all designed
our own individual circles with our own patterns and then wrote
things about ourselves on the back.  
On one circle we wrote something we wished for, on another
circle we wrote what we like and don’t like and on the third circle
we wrote something that makes us angry.
Then we had to arrange the circles in colour groups and stick
them to our big tree.


  1. Hi Room 7 ,
    The tree looks great. I think tomorrow at the assembly . The children and teachers will love it.

    Kind Regards,
    Tory HPS

    1. Hi Tory,
      You were right the children and staff loved the poster and it's great to have it making our room more colourful.

  2. Thanks for your blog post Room 7. We loved your display at today's assembly and this was also a great example of critical thinking, keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. We are working on our critical thinking and strategies to calm down when we are upset. Did you ever do any art work like this when you were at school?

  3. Kia ora Room 7,
    I love the idea and "why" behind your tree! It's completely different from anything I've seen before. I really like this idea and am already storing it away to use with a future class! I don't like put downs, they're a real bug bear of mine. Something that makes me angry is when people take advantage of other peoples kindness.
    My own class, at Gilberthorpe, have each coloured 5 feathers using pastels. these have been cut out and turned into a pair of wings which will go on our wall. They are hopefully an inspiration for our learners to try to "Fly"! Keep an eye out o our blog for a post about it to appear!

  4. Hi Mrs Raisin
    Thank you for commenting on our blog. We really like the idea of the feathers and are looking forward to seeing it soon. We don't like put downs either because they are not showing respect and that is one of our school values. We are looking forward to following your blog this year.

  5. hi this me thomas from your school looks pefict

    1. Hi Thomas, It's Tory and Angus here. Thank you for commenting on our blog. Our art does look perfect. Maybe next time you good add something thoughtful and helpful. You could also check your spelling mistakes.

    2. Hello Thomas it's Temera and Freya here. Thank you for commenting on room 7 blog. Thank you for saying our tree looks perfect. What do you like about your school?

    3. Hi it's Tyran and Hamish from room 7. Thank you for commenting on our class blog. What do you think looks perfect? Have you done any art like this before?
