Room 7,2019

Room 7,2019

Friday, 30 August 2019

Poetry Writing - Quatrain

A Quatrain poem is stanza of four lines, often rhyming in ABAB pattern. The quatrain is most common form of stanza used in poetry. 
A stanza is a fancy word for a verse

Here are some examples

Poetry Writing - Clerihew

A limerick is a British poem.
It is 4 lines long
It has a rhyming pattern of AABB
All of the lines have a similar number of syllables
It is usually about someone famous.
Here are our examples

Friday, 23 August 2019

Poetry Writing - Limerick

A limerick is an Irish poem

It has a rhyming pattern of AABBA
All the lines with the rhyme 'A' are longer lines and have the same number of syllables
The 'B' lines are shorter and have the same number of syllables as each other

A limerick usually is about a person from somewhere.  They can be funny.

Here are our examples.

Poetry Writing - Tanka

We have been learning to write a Japanese type of poem called a Tanka.  A Tanka has a certain number of syllables in each line and there are 5 lines.

The first line has 5 syllables
The second line has 7 syllables
The third line has 5 syllables.
The fourth line has 7 syllables.
The fifth line has 7 syllables

Poetry Writing - Haiku

We have been learning to write a Japanese type of poem called a Haiku.  A Haiku has a certain number of syllables in each line and there are 3 lines. 

The first line has 5 syllables
The second line has 7 syllables
The third line has 5 syllables. 

It usually is about nature and a moment in time.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Poetry Writing - Cinquain

We have been learning to write a French type of poem called a cinquain.  A cinquain has a certain number of syllable in each line and there are 5 lines.

Here are some cinquains we wrote.

Poetry Writing - Acrostic

This week we have been writing acrostic poems. 

Here are some of the acrostic poems we wrote.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Theatre Sports with Buddy Class

For Buddy Class this term we are doing a range of theatre sports activities.  One of the activities we have done is mirroring.  This is where you have to do the same movements as your partner  - like you are a mirror of them.  Here we are being 'Mirrors'.

CSO Visit

On the 31st of July we were lucky enough to have 5 people visit from the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.  The told us about their instruments and the different sounds they made.  We listened to them play individually and as part of a group.  The instruments they had with them were a violin, a viola, a clarinet, an oboe and a trumpet.

Sophia had the chance to conduct them playing and learnt that the faster the baton moves the faster the musicians have to play.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Acting with our Faces, Voice and Gestures.

This term for topic we are working on the arts curriculum.  This includes music, dance and acting.  For the first two weeks of the term we were practicing our acting skills using our face, voice and gestures.  Here are some of the things we created.

Mapping Madness

For Maths we have been working on mapping.  We have learnt about the directions on a compass and how to use a scale to work out distances.

We used our knowledge to do two different mapping tasks.  Here is an example of one of the tasks we did.

Giving Directions

We have been learning about the language of directions.  This includes words like forward, backward, left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 turns and degrees.  We practiced using these words by guiding a partner through an obstacle course.  Our partner was blindfolded.  It was a lot harder than we thought it would be.

A Quality Blog Post

One of the things we have been looking at for Cyber Smart is what a quality blog post needs.  We made presentations to show the 6 things needed in a quality blog post.

The 6 things are
A title
An introduction
A question

Here are some of the DLO's we made.

Friday, 9 August 2019


We have been lucky enough to have a visit from Rosie from the Fanimals TV programme.  She was asking about the animals we have or the ones we would want to have.  Rosie chose a girl from Room 6 to be filmed talking about her animal.

Packaging Problem

We have been exploring different 2d and 3d shapes.  We learnt the names and characteristics of different shapes.  We have made 3d shapes using nets.  To finish off our work with shapes we had a packaging problem to complete.

Here is the problem and picture of us working on the problem.

Teaching Dance Steps

As part of our topic this term we have been looking at dance.  We had to learn some dance steps and then teach them to the class.  Here are Ahyan, Jasmine and Fernando teaching everyone a dance move.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Zones Sports

On Monday Hornby Primary had three teams entered in the Zones Competition for winter sports.  The teams all did very well with Rugby finishing second, Football winning over half their games and Netball qualifying for the Centrals Tournament.  Here are our teams.