Room 7,2019

Room 7,2019

Sunday, 23 June 2019

ASB Get Wise

Last week we had Amy from ASB Get Wise come to teach us about financial literacy. Amy said she would train the class to use and save money.

Firstly we learnt how to make a training plan to reach money goals. The goal had to follow the acronym CASH, which stands for,
C - clear - what we are saving for? what we want? price? (this involves research)
A - Action - How can we earn money, for example, chores or turn a chore into a business
S - Saving - how much will we save a week?
H - How long

We then went through an example about a girl who wanted to buy rugby boots, using CASH.
C - Researched and found boots that will cost $60
A -Turned her chores into a business. Putting out neighbours $50c a wheelie bin
S - Spend $2 a week
H- Will take her 20 weeks

We then discussed as a class what things we could do to reach our target earlier.
- more chores
- cheaper boots
- borrow the boots instead

We then split into teams and had to make a money goal for our stick character, we had to start with a small goal and practise earning money

We then played charades to act out act out how we would make the money.

Amy taught our class a lot about saving money and we had a lot of fun doing it.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Player of the Day Awards

During Term 2 and 3 we are all in winter sports teams.  There are teams for Football, Netball, Rugby and Hockey.  This year Hornby Primary has 9 teams.

After we play each week the players of the day are announced in the gym.  The Year 4's also have a player of the day for the sports activities they take part in. 

Here are the winners of player of the day during Term 2

Friday, 7 June 2019


Kia Ora readers

The Tui reading group have been focusing on collecting information from different sources and putting information into their own words. This week we have learnt about Dinosaurs.

We have created screencastifies to present our dinosaur facts.

Here is an example from Nuu and Kody. They hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for reading our blog, feel free to comment.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Egyptian Gods

Our final topic we looked at for ancient Egypt was Gods and Goddesses.  In Ancient Egypt they believed in over 2000 gods.  We had to find out facts about one god and then draw that god.

Custard Creams

For our final week working on the book 'Fing' we made his favourite food - Custard Creams.  Talisa and Shylah helped make the cookie dough at morning tea.  After morning tea we all were given some dough and we used cookie cutters to make the shapes we wanted.  While our biscuits cooked we did some Mindfulness colouring in.  After the biscuits were cooked we put 'mock' cream in them and then ate them.  A lot of us could understand why 'Fing' likes them so much.

Samoan Language Week

Week 5 of the term was Samoan Language Week.  We had people coming around the class and teaching us different Samoan words and phrases.  On Thursday and Friday we also had the opportunity to dress up in traditional Samoan clothing.

Writing Fables

During week 5 we have been writing fables.  These are stories that contain a moral or a message to live by.  Most fables have animals as their main characters and are short with simple language.  Here are two examples of the fables we have written.

Shylah wrote a fable about the theme, "Be content with what you have."

Nevaeh wrote a fable about the theme, "Keep on trying."

Buddy Pamphlet

Last week for Buddy Class we made a pamphlet about a Fing.  It included information about the Fing and it's habits, what you need to know, it's appearance, what it eats and any other information we had found out about it.

How Archeologists Work

This week we have been looking at ways that archeologists work.  We found out how they scope out the sites and how they work.  We made a slide showing the steps then had a go at setting up a grid and digging in the sandpit for treasures.