We were lucky enough to be invited to the Health Forum in the Gym. This was a morning run by the health leaders from the High School and from Hornby Primary. The health leaders had all chosen different modules to present and we were allowed to choose two to attend.
The modules we had the choice from were
Emotional Intelligence (this involved matching cards and learning new names for emotions)
Emotional Intelligence in Art (this involved drawing portraits, doing origami or mindfulness colouring in)
Diabetes and St Johns (this was a chance to learn some basic first aid and to learn information about diabetes)
Sport Problem Solving (this was about solving problems in games and discussions about rules, one of the games was Sneak Up Granny)
Filipino Dance (this was where we used some traditional Filipino dance moves to modern music)
We also all did some fitness activities together and did some reflection about our morning. There was a great morning tea provided for us too.